Our Blemfree™ Toner & Balancer restores and balances your skins pH level after washing, while keeping your pores healthy and clean. It gently cleans, soothes and protects irritated skin while...
The Safer Choice For Professional Hair Removal!
Nufree® is a non-wax hair removal process that will remove hair from any part of the body—virtually pain-free. Because Nufree® isn’t a...
Use with Equisolve - Equifect 256 Disinfection Station
When used in conjunction with our APPLICATOR WARMEREquisove dissolves Nufree hair remover from medical stainless steel reusable applicators...
A special blend of botanicals that completely erase away any Nufree mistakes from hair, skin or clothing.
Important: Non Comedogenic, Non Toxic, Non- Flammable & Safe.
The only...