(1) 16oz. Bottle Equifect 256 Concentrate
1 bottle of Equifect = 32 gallons of cleaner
• Meets OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard
• EPA-registered hospital-grade disinfectant• Highly concentrated 1/2oz. Equifect 256 per 1 gallon water
• Disinfect any (non-food contact) hard, non-porous surfaces
• Non-Acid
• Deodorizes
Suggested Uses:
• Disinfect any (non-food contact) hard, non-porous surfaces
• Pedicure whirlpools and Spas
• Grooming clippers
• Combs & Brushes
• Razors
• Manicure/Pedicure tools
• Scissors
• Floors
• Tanning Beds and Glass surfaces
• Bathrooms and Toilet Bowls
Apply prepared solution (1/2oz. Equifect 256 per 1 gallon of water) by brush,
cloth, mop, spray bottle, or sponge. Treated surfaces must remain wet for 3 minutes.
Pour prepared solution 1/2oz. Equifect 256 per
1 gallon of water into mop bucket and mop floors.
Remove hair, dandruff and dust before disinfecting. Immerse in a prepared solution (of 1/2oz. Equifect 256 per 1 gallon of water) for at least 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and dry before using.
Pedicure whirlpool and Spas:
After using the whirlpool unit, drain and refill with new water (making sure to cover the intake valve). Add 1/2oz. of Equifect 256 for each gallon of water added. Turn on whirlpool and let circulate. Wash down tub sides and all related equipment with brush or sponge. Surfaces must remain wet for 10 minutes. Drain the whirlpool and rinse all surfaces with water.
Tanning Beds and Glass Surfaces
Spray with a prepared solution (of 1/2oz. Equifect 256 per 1 gallon of water). Leave surface wet for 3 minutes. Wipe dry with paper towel.
Scissors, Razors and other instruments:
Remove hair, dandruff and dust before disinfecting. Immerse in a prepared solution (of 1/2oz. Equifect 256 per 1 gallon of water) for 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and dry before using.
Always Dilute (1/2 oz. Equifect 256 to 1 gallon water)
Equifect 256 is highly concentrated. Must be diluted with water before using. 1/2oz to 1 gallon water.
EPA No. 10324-141-92202
In use dilution, shelf life is when the solution is visibly dirty or daily. If you make use dilution for future use and cover the container so that air cannot get in then the shelf life is 1 year. EPA does not impose a shelf life on a sealed container of concentrate when stored between 50 and 80 degrees F. Our recommendation is no more than 5 years.
Equifect 256 is a hospital grade disinfectant. Use to disinfect our stainless steel reusable applicators.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), regulates all antimicrobial product labels and any associated efficacy claims. The language and claims contained on each label must be supported with extensive scientific data that is submitted to EPA in the pesticide registration approval process. These labels govern usage rates, applications and directions for use. End users of chemicals must ensure compliance with the label and should understand the meaning behind differing label claims. This is the first in a series of posts that will look at EPA label language and what it means to the end-user.
The words sanitizer and disinfectant are often used interchangeably in the food processing industry. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), however, has distinct definitions for each term.
Sanitizer: a substance, or mixture of substances, that reduces the bacteria population in the inanimate environment by significant numbers, but does not destroy or eliminate all bacteria.
Disinfectant: a substance or mixture of substances, that destroys or irreversibly inactivates bacteria, fungi, and viruses, but not necessarily bacterial spores, in the inanimate environment.
Source: EPA Website, 40 CFR 158.2203